IKYA Aligned Gemstones crystals have one very unique trait, which is that they can be personally aligned. Personally aligned IKYA crystals have gone through a process of restructuring which allows for an individual connection, enabling the crystal to be directly linked to you in person. It is a little like adding a vibrational organ to your spiritual body. In this way you can open for the crystal to assist your spiritual essence in bringing out your signature, and also calibrate your biological DNA. Personal alignment aids you in eliminating blockages and unleashing potentials more directly into life, based on your specific karmic structures. With personal alignment there’s simply now way back or around such issues. The only way is through! The process of alignment is something only IKYA can do upon request.

Almost all of my raw crystals from IKYA I have chosen to let undergo this process of personal alignment. Often when I have bought a new crystal I have been wanting to explore it for a while, to experience and immerse myself in the pure vibration of the crystal itself. After some time, when that initial crush wanes off, I have had the crystal personally aligned by IKYA. During that process it is like the crystal becomes a life partner, able to follow me no matter what twists and turns I choose to make. It navigates, pivots and stays with me vibrationally, and the assistance is permanent. You can compare it to your body receiving an organ through which it can cleanse certain aspects and frequencies. Like your liver cleanses your blood, a personally aligned crystal cleanses a spectrum of vibrations in your consciousness, bodily and beyond. That connection will never fade or be broken, unless you decide to de-align the crystal. A personally aligned crystal feels a little like having a silent, sparkly friend that points me in new directions, or challenges me when I make a detour into the bushes, which certainly also happens once I’m left to my own devices, trying to map out the ever changing landscapes of life.

To illustrate such a journey I want to share one of my experiences about how I have been assisted by a personally aligned crystal. About two years ago I brought my personally aligned Unakite with me to visit a friend who lives in Madrid, Spain. During a stay of 10 days the stone found a quite unique way of calibrating my system within that new environment. It was like the Unakite within that open, warm and vivid vibrational environment could reactivate my heart, heighten my sense of purpose and spark my creativity anew. I had not been out of Norway for 5 years after a heavy collapse due to overwork and burn out. Yet once beyond Norwegian borders, assisted by the Unakite, I was so rapidly able to recover both the Spanish language, which I learned in Uruguay at 17 during my high school exchange, and my deep sense of being a global citizen. The Unakite in combination with the hospitality and genuineness of the Spanish people, and the friend I was visiting, made me recover my sense of self so quickly. This was after 5 years of defining myself as a rather non-functioning, burnt out person who had tried it all and was still struggling to get back on my feet. During this process the stone turned from a light green shade with pink dots into a deep green shade reminding me a lot of fertile soil or organically home grown produce.

Back home in Norway, the way I work with my personally aligned raw crystals is to keep them in my apartment, communicating with them about how they can contribute to lift the vibration in the space and keep a clear and productive focus. My home is often also my office, and I need that clarity in order to shift from realm to realm within the same space. Lately I have been keeping my personally aligned Labradorite at my work desk which is also my living room table. As I am yet again venturing into uncharted territory, becoming the artist facilitator consultant, leaving the safe space of being employed, I have found that the assistance from the Labradorite is extremely helpful. It assists in centering me for whatever task at hand, keeping my focus both on the big picture, yet also learning me to dig into the necessary details whenever necessary, in order to remain professional, even in worlds I have not set fot yet myself in a work context..
Yet, there is one stone I have chosen to keep as it is, and that is my travel rose quarts. My future life holds a lot of traveling, and the reason why I chose to not personally align it is because I want it to work with the environment and spaces I will live once I go away. People and past happenings can leave a lot of energetic residue in places and physical rooms. To ensure I alway travel with a true source of unconditional love, I have chosen a beautiful rose quartz to be my guide and cleanser, allowing me to stay closer to my purpose when I’m in a new place, keeping that as my primary focus, rather than being influenced by other heavier energies in the space.

All in all, whether your IKYA crystal is personally aligned or not, these beings are always a marvel to work with. You can never fail in your approach; you can only learn to listen deeper and join more hands on in the exchange and collaboration, sensing what is more potent and optimal in every single situation. It has been a joy to explore working with these challenging, quirky, friendly beings the past 5 years. With so much more to come!