In the midst of your spiritual journey, it’s common to feel like you’re being pushed from all sides, experiencing discomfort and even pain. You might reach a point where you think, “I just can’t take it anymore.” You might even be tempted to say, “Maybe I should take a year off to digest all this.” But before you decide to take that break, enlightened master IKYA encourages us to explore why feeling overwhelmed is actually a sign that you’re right on track—and why stepping away might not be the best choice.
When you feel overwhelmed, it’s not a sign that you’re failing. Quite the opposite—it means you’re growing. The expansion of your consciousness often moves faster than your ego can handle. The ego, ever concerned with maintaining control, will whisper that you need more time, that you need to slow down. It might even convince you that taking a break to process everything is the smart move.
But here’s the truth: the overwhelming pace of your spiritual journey is exactly what you need. It’s pushing you beyond the limits of your current self, forcing you to let go of the control your ego desperately clings to. The ego will always try to slow things down, telling you that if you just had more time, you could make everything work. It’s natural, but as IKYA teaches, it’s not wise.
A typical reaction in these situations is to say, “I need to take a year off to digest all this.” The idea is that if you slow down, you can regain control, archive everything neatly, and move forward in a more organized manner. This approach is understandable, but IKYA says it’s not effective.
The reason is simple: true spiritual growth happens when you’re moving faster than you think you can handle. When you feel like everything is happening too quickly, that’s when the most significant breakthroughs occur. The key is not to step back but to surrender to the process.
When you surrender—truly surrender—you stop trying to control the journey and instead allow the universe to guide you. In moments of true surrender, something remarkable happens: you start to float, to be carried by the current of your journey. You gain insights and understanding that go beyond the limits of your personal karma and ego.
This overwhelming feeling isn’t just a byproduct of your growth; it’s a necessary part of it. The universe isn’t concerned with your individual karma in the way your ego is. It’s focused on the bigger picture, on helping you transcend your personal suffering and step into a more expansive understanding of life.

The challenge, then, is to see overwhelm not as an enemy but as a spiritual potential. It’s a signpost indicating that you’re on the brink of something significant. Instead of taking a break, IKYA teaches us to work with the overwhelming feeling and turn it into surrender. It’s a constant realization that you’re not in control—and that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay; it’s exactly where you need to be.
When you surrender, you allow the universe to guide you in ways that your ego could never imagine. It’s like saying, “Jesus, take the wheel,” but with the understanding that by surrendering, you’re actually becoming the true driver of your spiritual journey.
So yes, in many ways, the more overwhelming it feels, the better. It means you’re aligning more closely with your true self, dealing with your karma more efficiently, and moving toward a more comprehensive understanding of your studies. For those new to this journey, you might encounter this challenge quickly. The moment you think you fully understand the teachings, you’ve likely started to limit yourself, says IKYA. Instead of stepping back, try to blow everything up—metaphorically speaking—and see what happens.
At the core of this journey is the heart, IKYA says. It all starts with love, with a holy flame of dedication, with a yearning for spiritual truth and for God - however you define that. Begin there - not with your pains, not with your suffering, not with the need to understand and fix everything in your life.
When your life is tuned to that higher frequency, everything else falls into place. It’s like a tuning fork - once you strike the right note, everything else harmonizes. It really is that simple. So, before you decide to take that year off, remember: the overwhelm you’re feeling isn’t a roadblock; it’s the very path you need to be on. Embrace it, surrender to it, and let it carry you to new heights. The universe isn’t done with you yet, and the breakthroughs you’ve been working so hard for are just around the corner.