IKYA crystals are special in so many ways. Whether you have worked with an IKYA Aligned Gemstone Crystal before or not, it is not always easy to keep track of what these definitions really mean in a practical sense. In this article I will elaborate on what IKYA Aligned actually entails.

Let’s start at the beginning. Crystals often grow in large clusters, which can be thought of as communities. Since crystals are consciousness, just as we are, they also are individuals belonging to larger groups. They grow in large massives of stone or mountains that can span areas as big as several hundred kilometers. These massives are referred to as the mother stone in our terminology. Because even if you buy and work with one specific stone, it once came from a whole family of stones belonging to the same cluster. The cluster will carry a specific and unique spectrum of vibrations, as will every single individual stone in the cluster. Not all types of crystals grow in mountains, so this description does not cover all cases, but it gives an idea of how these vibrational beings and carriers of certain spectrums of frequencies start their journey here on earth.
When we refer to the crystal as being aligned (or alive), we simply mean that the specific individual stone is still energetically connected to that whole cluster where it once grew up. Due to harvesters not always being aware of these delicate vibrational connections, most stones are taken from the place they grow in a way that cuts off this natural connection. IKYA often describes this as the leaf falling from the tree. As long as the individual stone is connected to the mother stone, it receives the nourishment and is part of the overall system in the same way that a leaf on a tree is. Once the leaf falls off, or the crystal is removed and disconnected from the motherstone, it will only be able to vibrate and mirror its own individual spectrum of frequencies, which is way more limited. All IKYA aligned crystals are still alive, which means they are still connected to their cluster and mother stone. They are still leaves on their family tree. Even if they are not physically connected to the mother stone anymore, they can still carry the vibration and potential of the entire cluster. This is why IKYA crystals are so extremely powerful compared to other crystals. This difference between not connected or still connected or is what we refer to as dead or alive - or maybe even dead or aligned - in a single crystal. Meaning, does it still have that nourishment and energy flow of the mother stone, or is it simply a leaf fallen off the tree?
I have been working with all sorts of crystals for a long time, both dead and aligned ones, and the difference in vibration and power is so noticeable. I was drawn to crystals probably 3 years before IKYA launched the aligned collection of crystals, and I had gotten accustomed to working with dead stones which I got in ordinary shops. The most noticeable difference is the raw power and the IKYA crystals’ ability to channel enormous amounts of energy. IKYA crystals are simply so much more potent than dead stones. They vibrate with such clarity within the spectrum and range of frequencies of which they have their bandwidth. My experience is that they also vibrate more precisely and are more “intelligent” in their way of targeting my karmic structures - that is; my issues; pain points; unbalanced emotions etc. The difference between aligned stones and dead stones is a little like the difference between going to a highly skilled acupuncturist, and someone unprofessional who is able to notice that something is indeed off, but has no clear practice or skill when it comes to addressing or mending the issue. Dead stones will in my experience mainly point to symptoms, not the underlying causes. I have so many times experienced severe headaches and felt more polluted when working with dead stones. It can also feel somehow like being operated on with a dirty knife. The risk of infection and side effects is imminent.

Physical symptoms definitely also occur with aligned and alive crystals, but over time the blockage that causes them will dissolve, and I have never felt like being polluted by these stones. It feels more like targeted drilling is carried out in order to adjust me, or that I am being operated on energetically, with a clear intention of assistance. With the dead crystals this feeling of karmic issues being addressed in a precise way rarely happens. They can trigger and point to the problem and maybe indicate where it is physically manifested in the body, but that is often their sole contribution. Yet, this also depends on the quality of the stone. Triggering is more likely to occur with non-aligned low quality stones than high quality stones. Some non-aligned stones from very specific sources also have a high therapeutic value, but they tend to cost a small fortune. Another difference is that dead stones, even if they can be beautiful and informative to work with, will need cleansing after each use, because they will absorb the residue of the issues you are working out with their assistance. IKYA crystals do not need cleansing in the same way, because they are a permanent channel of energy from the mother stone. Think of a water tube with constant flow, that simply does not require much cleansing.
All in all there are so many beautiful ways of being assisted by all sorts of crystals, aligned or not. I still have a couple of non-aligned crystals in my home. Some of them are able to vibrate quite strongly, others are more like beautiful pieces of glass. Each crystal serves a purpose, and the glass ones in my life serve more as objects of aesthetics adding to the room in that sense, than they are true vibrational assistants. I hope you can use this article to pick up on your own dialogue and exploration and collaboration with these beings. I encourage you to play around and deepen the dialogue!